Please use the guidance below to setup your PT-Actuator / Thanos motion platform to work with Sim Racing Studio. The guide will cover the following topics:
- Thanos AMC Controller Firmware Update
- Installing/Updating the FTDI (VCP) Driver
- Thanos AMC Controller Setup
- PT-Actuator / Thanos Hardware Setup
- Sim Racing Studio Installation
- Hardware Configuration
- Hardware Test
- Game Setup
- Using the PT-Actuator / Thanos Motion Platform with a Game
- PT-Actuator / Thanos Motion Tuning
Note: If you are using a Thanos4U controller, please use the Thanos4U Setup Guide.
Thanos AMC Controller Firmware Update
Prior to setting up Sim Racing Studio with your PT-Actuator / Thanos platform, make sure you have the latest version of firmware installed on your Thanos AMC Controller. Follow the guide here on how to update your Thanos firmware. You can find the Thanos firmware here as well.
Installing/Updating the FTDI (VCP) Driver
The USB data connection for your Thanos controller requires an FTDI driver. The device will then appear in the Windows Device Manager as USB Serial Port (COMXX) which will allow Sim Racing Studio to communicate with the Thanos controller.
To install/update the FTDI (VCP) Driver, follow the steps below:
- Go to
- Select the correct file for your Operating System. For Windows 10 64-bit, it would be the one highlighted below. Note: It may update in the future.
- Download the file
- Extract the file by double clicking on it and moving the files to a new folder on your computer. Be sure to remember where you extract the files.
- Go to Device Manager and select the COM port that is used for the Thanos controller. It can be any COM port, but it usually appears as 'USB Serial Port (COM8):
- Browse your computer for the folder you extracted the driver files and choose the root folder (you don't need to select the sub-folders)
- Right click on the USB Serial Port (COM8) and select 'Update driver'
- When the window opens, select the second option to 'Browse my computer for drivers'
- Click Next
- Your FTDI (VCP) driver is now updated
Thanos AMC Controller Setup
Configure the Thanos AMC Controller as directed by the Thanos AMC Controller Manual or guidance provided by PT-Actuator.
Restore the default settings on the Thanos AMC Controller and set only the 1) Stroke Leadscrew (ie. 100mm, 150mm, 200mm, etc) and 2) Disable Autopark values in the Thanos LCD menu. See the video below on how to restore the default parameters on your Thanos AMC Controller.
PT-Actuator / Thanos Hardware Setup
Ensure each actuator is connected to the appropriate port on the Thanos AMC Contrller as per the image below:
You can find additional PT-Actuator and Thanos setup links here.
Sim Racing Studio Installation
- Close all other motion software before installing Sim Racing Studio.
- Download and install Sim Racing Studio from here.
- Once Sim Racing Studio is installed, follow the guidance here to activate your license.
Hardware Configuration
- Once your license has been activated, click SETUP at the top and select Hardware in the left toolbar
- Scroll down to the MOTION section
- Ensure that the Enabled button is set to On
- In the Manufacturer field, select PT-Actuator or Thanos
- In the Model field, select the option that represent the number and placement of actuators for your platform
- Click SAVE in the upper right in the PROFILE IN USE box
- Wait up to 30 seconds for a green check mark to appear next to Motionbox in the HARDWARE STATUS box in the right toolbar for Sim Racing Studio to detect the Thanos AMC Controller.
- A green check mark indicates the Motionbox is connected and the Sim Racing Studio license has validated
- A yellow check mark indicates the Motionbox is connected but the Sim Racing Studio license has not been validated
- A red check mark indicates the Motionbox is not connected and/or Sim Racing Studio is unable to detect it
- If there is a red check mark next to Motionbox, restart your PC and check to ensure the Thanos controller's USB cord connected. If you are using a USB Hub, connect the Thanos USB cord directly to your PC. Avoid using a USB extension or long USB cord if possible.
- If you have a very old Thanos controller and Sim Racing Studio is still unable to detect it, you may need to cut the trace in your Thanos controller. Please follow the guidance in the video here if required.
- Click on the Gear icon to the right of the Model field to open the Thanos settings.
- Sim Racing Studio will display the port that each actuator should be connected to on the Thanos AMC Controller. Use the key below:
RL = Rear Left
FL = Front Left
FR = Front Right
RR = Right Rear
TL Rear = Traction Loss Rear
Surge = Surge
TL Front = Traction Loss Front - If you want to Reverse the motion of the TL Rear, Surge, or TL Front actuators, click the button in the REVERSE column to cycle the option On or Off.
- Enter the distance in millimeters between the center of the left and right actuators into the Distance Between L/R Actuators (mm) field
- Enter the stroke size of your vertical actuators in millimeters into the Vertical Actuators Stroke (mm) field.
Sim Racing Studio will calculate a recommended safe starting setting for your Max Angle based on the amount of potential roll from the distance between your left and right actuators as well as a recommended Spike Filter setting based on your vertical actuator stroke. These are only suggested settings; however, it is highly recommended to use these settings until you understand their impact on your motion platform.
Note: If you have horizontal actuators for TL Rear, Surge, or TL Front, utilize the Recommended Max Angle for both Max Angle for Max Horizontal and the Recommended Spike Filter setting for both Spike Filter Vertical and Spike Filter Horizontal (TL).
Sim Racing Studio will override the Spike Filter setting on the Thanos AMC Controller. There is no need to adjust the value on the Thanos AMC Controller if you have updated your firmware.
The Max Angle and Spike Filter settings can be increased or decreased in the TUNING > Motion page per game or per vehicle when a vehicle is loaded in a game or from the Profile Manager when not in a game. You can find out more information about the Profile Manager here.Scroll to the bottom of the Motion page for the THANOS Spike Filter Settings
- Once you have the recommended Max Angle and Spike Filter settings and reversed any horizontal actuators, click the OK button in the lower right.
- Click SAVE in the upper right in the PROFILE IN USE box to save your changes.
Hardware Test
Once you have completed the Hardware Configuration steps, test the platform's movement.
- On the SETUP > Hardware page in the Motion section, click on the Start Test button and move the sliders from left to right. Verify that the PT-Actuator / Thanos platform is moving correctly. If its not moving correctly, check that you have the actuator cables properly connected in Hardware Configuration in Step #9.
- Once finished testing, click Stop Test
- Click the Save button in the top right of Sim Racing Studio in the PROFILE IN USE box
Game Setup
Sim Racing Studio will attempt to automate any games that are supported to make them ready to play. If the game is installed on your PC and it's ready to play with no further action needed, you will see Ready to play listed in the STATUS column in the GAMES > PC or Console page. You can find more information on making a game Ready to play here. For Console games, please use the guidance here.
If you have issues making a Sim Racing Studio supported game work with your PT-Actuator / Thanos platform, please submit a New Support Ticket at the top of this page.
Using the PT-Actuator / Thanos Motion Platform with a Game
Sim Racing Studio will automatically connect to a game once its started. However, some games might require you to start the race to connect whereas others might connect from the main menu.
You can verify your PT-Actuator / Thanos platform is connected to the game from the status shown in the PROFILE IN USE box in the upper right of Sim Racing Studio. There are 3 game statuses available:
- STAND BY: Indicates a game is not running and Sim Racing Studio is standing by to start.
- GAME RUNNING: Indicates a game is detected; however, no telemetry to move platform has yet to be received. For some games this is normal as they only send telemetry once you are on the track or in the air within the game.
- The GAME RUNNING status allows you to use the TUNING -> MOTION page in order to make changes to the tuning parameters for the game.
- TELEMETRY DATA: Indicates that Sim Racing Studio is receiving telemetry data from the game for motion. If there is a green check mark next to Motionbox in the HARDWARE STATUS box, the platform will be moving based on the telemetry from the game. If there is no motion, ensure the DOF Reality platform is turned On.
- You can get additional information on hardware statuses by hovering your cursor over the items listed in the HARDWARE STATUS box.
PT-Actuator / Thanos Motion Tuning
- To make basic adjustments to motion, use the Quick Motion Tuning guide here.
- For detailed information on motion tuning, use the Motion Tuning Guide found here.