Please use the troubleshooting below to resolve the following issues with Microsoft Flight Simulator 2020:

  • Telemetry in certain aircraft is extreme
  • Aerobatic Aircraft Warning
  • Unable to select the correct aircraft to edit the profile
  • Motion is not smooth when Engine Haptics are turned on

Telemetry in certain aircraft is extreme

The Boeing F/A-18E/F Super Hornet, Boeing F/A-18E/F Super Hornet Mrk (used in Flight Challenges), and the D77-TC Pelican (Halo Dropship) have extremely high and spiky Heave telemetry (70+). This is obviously a bug or programming error for these aircraft. To compensate, Max Telemetries and Smoothing Effects for Heave on these aircraft have been greatly increased. Similar "extreme" aircraft added to Microsoft Flight Simulator at a later date may exhibit the same Heave issues.

Aerobatic Aircraft Warning
Aerobatic aircraft like the Pitts Special S-2S and Extra 330LT have extremely fast telemetry which will result in jarring movement. 

If you have actuators with a spike filter, it is HIGHLY recommended to lower the Spike Filter settings to 500. If you do not have a spike filter (DOF Reality or YawVR), it is recommended to lower the Max Angle down below 50 or more to reduce extreme motion. 

Unable to select the correct aircraft to edit the profile
Microsoft Flight Simulator has a bug that will retain the last plane selected in flight or in the Hanger in the Profile In Use even when in the menu system. This is not an SRS issue. To edit the default tuning for Microsoft Flight Simulator you must exit the game and edit the profile in SRS.

Motion is not smooth when Engine Haptics are turned on

This is due to the engine haptic effect occurring during the smooth transitions on the pitch and roll axis. The engine haptic disrupts the smooth movement on the axis during motion. It is recommended to utilize the Engine effect from Shakers/Transducers instead.