Please use the troubleshooting below to resolve the following issues with IL-2 Sturmovik:

  • Extreme motion when changing positions in multi-crew aircraft
  • Unable to create profiles for specific aircraft 

Extreme motion when changing positions in multi-crew aircraft

When changing gunner positions in an aircraft, there can be telemetry spikes in surge, sway and heave that will cause extremely jarring movement in the motion platform. 

If you have actuators with a Thanos controllers, the majority of the harsh motion will be mitigated by the Spike Filter. However, if even less jarring motion is desired in these aircraft when switching positions, DECREASE the Spike Filter from 1800 to reduce these effects.

If you do not have a Spike Filter available for your platform (ie. DOF Reality or YawVR), please use a reduced motion profile when using mutli-crew aircraft or disable motion when switching between positions. 

Unable to create profiles for specific aircraft 

Unfortunately, IL-2 does not export the name of the aircraft in telemetry. This makes it impossible for Sim Racing Studio to automatically load different motion profiles for different aircraft. 

However, utilizing the ability for SRS to import/export profiles, a user can create multiple profiles for IL-2 by following the process here: