Please use the troubleshooting below to resolve the following issues with Elite Dangerous:

  • Unable to create profiles for different space craft 
  • Motion no longer works after an Elite Dangerous update

Unable to create profiles for different space craft 

Unfortunately, Elite Dangerous does not export the name of the spacecraft in telemetry. This makes it impossible for Sim Racing Studio to automatically load different profiles for different spacecraft. 

However, utilizing the ability for SRS to import/export profiles, a user can create multiple profiles for Elite Dangerous by following the process here:

Motion no longer works after an Elite Dangerous update 
Whenever Elite Dangerous is updated by Frontier, there is a possibility motion will be broken. This is due to Frontier not officially supporting the export of telemetry for motion (Please request Frontier to add support via this thread here or contact them directly). 

Typically, the ED community will provide updated pointers that Sim Racing Studio must update for motion to work again. However, if there is a delay and you want to update them manually yourself, there is a field in the config.ini for SRS that you can switch to disable the auto-update so you can manually update the XML file: 

1) Go to Documents > Sim Racing Studio 2.0 folder
2) Open the config.ini file
3) Locate the following line: check_ed_updates = yes
4) Set it to check_ed_updates = no
5) Save and close the config.ini file
6) Replace the "EliteDangerous64_Offsets.xml" or "EliteDangerousOdyssey64_Offsets.xml" with the updated file.

IMPORTANT: You will now always need to manually update the file when the pointers are updated. Change the setting back to "yes" and SRS will resume automatically updating the file once available. SRS will NOT update Elite Dangerous automatically unless this setting is changed back to "yes".