Please use the troubleshooting below to resolve the following issues with KartKraft:
Sim Racing Studio shows KartKraft as Not Installed
Telemetry issues in KartKraft
Sim Racing Studio shows KartKraft as Not Installed
In order for Sim Racing Studio to show KartKraft as Ready to play, you must launch KartKraft at least one time. Once you have launched KartKraft, go to GAMES > PC in Sim Racing Studio and click the Reverse button (shown in the image below).
You should now see the CONFIG button available for KartKraft in the GAMES > PC section. Click the CONFIG button and KartKraft should now be listed as Ready to play.
Telemetry issues in KartKraft
The following telemetry issues have been identified in KartKraft:
KartKraft "pulses" telemetry during the menus which causes the platform to slightly move. The movement is a result from KartKraft sending telemetry and immediately stopping, thus causing the platform to go in and out of a parked state. Adjusting the motion profile will have no effect. This is a bug and has been reported to SRS. - IMPORTANT NOTE REGARDING TELEMETRY:
KartKraft's telemetry has telemetry gaps and can be buggy. This is usually seen in either surge telemetry spiking and causing harsh surge motion randomly or with pitch when going up/down hills. Effect Smoothing and Max Telemetries have been adjusted to mitigate the issues; however, these jerky motions will still be randomly felt when racing. - NOTE ON SPIKE FILTER SETTINGS:
Due to the spiky telemetry in KartKraft similar to rally racing sims, the Spike Filter should be set to 3600 to avoid the spike filter from engaging often. A higher spike filter closer to 4200 might be required if adjustments are made to increase movement.