Please use the troubleshooting below to resolve the following issues with F1 2021:

  • Telemetry issues in F1 2021

Telemetry issues in F1 2021

The following telemetry issues have been identified in F1 2021:

  • Bugged Pitch Telemetry:
    Pitch telemetry is bugged and will either stay Positive or Negative with no regards to the position of the vehicle on the track. This means that some downward hills might actually pitch the platform back and upward hills will pitch the platform down. Reversing direction of the vehicle on the same hill won't change the pitching of the platform. The is a known issue and was fixed by EA in F1 22 and F1 23. They have no plans to create a patch for F1 21 to resolve this issue. 

  • F1 2021 will have motion during the main menus:
    This a bug that originates from the the game and Codemaster's have been notified. Sim Racing Studio works to reduce motion to mitigate the issue when in the menus; however, very small heave bumps will still be felt when selecting items.

  • Low Telemetry Values:
    F1 2021 has extremely low average telemetry values for Sway, Heave, and Traction Loss. This limits the range of potential tuning and may result in occasional spikes in motion. This is an issue with F1 2021 due to poor telemetry implementation.