IMPORTANT: Due to the large number of Richard Burns Rally Next Gen Physics (NGP) version available, troubleshooting or support may not be possible for all versions. 

Please use the troubleshooting below to resolve issues with Richard Burns Rally NGP that have been confirmed to work: 
  • Versions of RBR (NGP) confirmed to work with Sim Racing Studio

Activating Telemetry

If you are using the RallySimFans Launcher, be sure to enable telemetry in the Launcher app: 

Versions of RBR (NGP) confirmed to work with Sim Racing Studio

The only versions of RBR (NGP) that Sim Racing Studio has confirmed to work due to the large number of different version of RBR (NGP) available are the versions located at:

Note: Since the versions of RBR (NGP) above are community driven projects, Sim Racing Studio is unable to guarantee compatibility with newly released versions for RBR (NGP).