Please use the troubleshooting below to resolve the following issues with Digital Combat Simulator (DCS).

  • Extreme spike in Sway when loading into DCS or on the ground 
  • DCS is not sending telemetry
  • DCS export.lua conflicting with other applications
  • DCS showing Not Installed/Game not configured after clicking the CONFIG button

  • DCS showing Not Installed and DCS is installed on a separate drive than boot

Extreme spike in Sway when loading into DCS or on the ground 

DCS will cause spikes in Sway for unknown reasons while the aircraft is on the ground or when first loading into the game (air or ground). This is most noticeable directly after engine start, taxiing to the runway, or when loading onto a carrier catapult. This is a bug with DCS telemetry output. 

DCS is not sending telemetry
If you are using 3rd party plugins that utilize export.lua files, skip to the DCS export.lua conflicting with other applications section below.

If you do not have any 3rd party plugins, follow instructions below:

  1. Close DCS
  2. Close Sim Racing Studio
  3. Install the Latest Beta of Sim Racing Studio from the downloads page here.
  4. Check if \Users\{User Name}\Saved Games\DCS\Scripts exists and is not read-only
    1. Manually create a "Scripts" sub-folder if does not exist
  5. Delete all content from the Scripts folder if it exists
  6. Reopen Sim Racing Studio
  7. Go to the GAMES page and select PC 
  8. Scroll down the list of games until you find DCS
  9. Click on the CONFIG button next to DCS
  10. Sim Racing Studio should now mark DCS as Ready to play
  11. Open DCS 
  12. There should now be telemetry data

DCS export.lua conflicting with other applications

DCS does not have a standard way to expose telemetry to 3rd party applications. Each developer creates their own version of an export.lua file that contains scripts to obtain telemetry which is located in the DCS \Saved Games\DCS\Scripts folder.

This could result in a conflict if multiple 3rd party applications have installed their own versions of the export.lua file to receive telemetry since DCS only allows one export.lua file in the Scripts folder. 

Below is the guidance to allow Sim Racing Studio and other 3rd party applications to receive telemetry from DCS at the same time. Note: You will need to reinstall your 3rd party applications that have also created an export.lua file. 

  1. Delete the export.lua file from \Saved Games\DCS\Scripts folder
  2. Go to your C:\Program Files\SimRacingStudio 2.0\libraries folder and copy the SRSExport.lua file 
  3. Paste the SRSExport.lua file to your \Saved Games\DCS\Scripts\Hooks\ folder. 
    1. If the folder does not exist, create the Hooks folder in the \Saved Games\DCS\Scripts\ folder and paste the SRSExpport.lua file in the Hooks folder.
  4. Now install the other 3rd party applications that create an export.lua in the \Saved Games\DCS\Scripts folder
  5. Restart DCS which must be done anytime there is a change made to the Scripts folder.  

DCS showing Not Installed/Game not configured after clicking the CONFIG button

If you are trying to make DCS Ready to play by clicking the CONFIG button, but the pop-up message of Game not configured keeps appearing, please try running Sim Racing Studio as an administrator. 

  1. Close Sim Racing Studio completely (don't just minimize) and then right click on the short-cut to launch Sim Racing Studio and select Run as administrator.
  2. Go to the GAMES > PC page and select the CONFIG button for DCS

If the pop-up message of Game not configured still appears after running Sim Racing Studio as an administration, please try a manual installation of the file needed for DCS to be ready to play in Sim Racing Studio:

  1. Close DCS if running
  2. Close Sim Racing Studio completely (Do not just minimize the application)
  3. Go to your C:\Users\YOUR_USERNAME\Saved Games\DCS\Scripts\ folder

  4. In the Scripts folder, delete the Export.lua file if present

  5. Go to your C:\Program Files\SimRacingStudio 2.0\libraries folder and copy the SRSExport.lua file
  6. Go C:\Users\YOUR_USERNAME\Saved Games\DCS\Scripts\Hooks and paste the SRSExport.lua file in the Hooks folder.
    1. If the folder does not exist, create the Hooks folder in the \Saved Games\DCS\Scripts\ folder and paste the SRSExpport.lua file in the Hooks folder.

  7. Restart Sim Racing Studio and verify that DCS now shows as Ready to play in the Games > PC page.

DCS showing Not Installed and DCS is installed on a separate drive than boot

If DCS is showing as Not Installed and you have DCS installed on a separate drive other than your boot drive, please move DCS and it's files to the same drive as your boot drive. This is required for some Scripts and Hooks to work properly. 

DCS is still showing as Not Installed

  1. Locate where the DCS\Scripts folder is located on your computer. This is commonly located at:
    C:\Users\<your login name>\Saved Games\DCS\Scripts

  2. In the DCS\Scripts folder, create a new folder called Hooks, so it appears as \DCS\Scripts\Hooks
  3. Unzip the attached file
  4. Copy the file SRSExport.lua (from the zip) to: \DCS\Scripts\Hooks
  5. Restart SRS and DCS and give it a try