Below starting, confirm the iFlag model:

For the iFlag Colorduino, continue below with iFlag Colorduino Setup

For iRacing iFlag models, skip down to the iRacing iFlag Setup

iFlag Colorduino Setup



  1. Plug the iFlag into the Computer using the USB Cable.
  2. Open the Windows Device Manager and confirm which port the Arduino is connected in the Ports (COM & LPT) drop down menu:


  1. Open the AVRDUDESS app and select the following:
  2. Preset: Arduino Uno
  3. Port: The com port where iFlag is connected
    1. Flash: Select the color duino firmware from C:\Program Files\SimRacingStudio 2.0\firmware\iflag\iflag_uno_colorduino.hex
  4. Click on Program!:
  5. Once you see avrdude.exe, you are finished. The iFlag has been flashed sucessfully.
  6. Close AVRDUDESS  

Sim Racing Studio

  1. Open the Sim Racing Studio
  2. Confirm there is a green check in the Hardware Status Page next to iFlag
  3. iFlag is ready to use!

iRacing iFlag Setup


To upgrade the iRacing iFflag firmware to the SimRacingStudio firmware, you will need the following:

1) One of two Programmers:

USBASP USBISP AVR Programmer on AliExpress
(Please make sure to select the PROGRAMMER + STK 500 Adapter)

- OR - 

DollaTek USBASP USBISP AVR HG Programmer on Amazon

2) Download and install Zadig: Zadig - USB driver installation made easy (

3) Download AVRDUDESS


  1. Open you iRacing iFflag and connect programmer as follows:
  2. Please confirm the position of the MISO and VCC connectors:


  1. Open Zadig
  2. Select USBasp in the drop-down
  3. VERY IMPORANT: Select Libusb-win32 (v1.2.6.0) 
  4. Click on Install Driver
  5. Open the device manager and confirm if the USBasp is installed under libusb-win32 devices:

Flashing the Firmware

  2. Set the following settings as highlighted in yellow (start by selecting the Presets first):

  3. Double check settings in yellow.
  4. Click on the the button Go under the Flash section and wait for the process complete. You will see the following when finished:

    Avrdude.exe done. Thank you.
  5. Disconnect the programmer from the computer and from the iflag PCB.
  6. Re-assemble the case.

Sim Racing Studio - Connection

  1. Open Sim Racing Studio and confirm there is a green check in Hardware Status next to iFlag
  2. iFlag is ready to use!